On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Justin Lebar <justin.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are there any common installations of vi/vim that actually honor
>> modelines anymore?  The ones on the Linux distros that I used
>> stopped doing so as a security measure.

Mine (vanilla Ubuntu 12.10) does.  I had to |set modelines=2| for it
to work with Mozilla code.

Some context:  I really hate files that mix 2 and 4 space tabs.  I've
caused such mismatches in the past (e.g.
xpcom/base/nsMemoryReporterManager.cpp) and modelines can prevent
that.  I recently enabled them and have found them very useful, even
with the spotty coverage that we have (many files lack them).  That's
why I'm looking closely at this.

> If we were to set tabstop=8, I think we'd want to set softtabstop=2
> (or 4, depending on the file), so the "tab" key would continue to
> shift 2 spaces.

If you enable |smarttab| then |sw|'s value dictates the behaviour of
the Tab key at the start of a line.  But putting sts in would be
reasonable for those that don't have |smarttab| set.

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