On 12/02/13 21:20, Benoit Jacob wrote:
> I agree wholeheartedly with Benjamin and care about this, but I don't have
> a lot of time to get into this presumably time-consuming discussion on a
> W3C mailing list --- so I'd just like to express support to any Mozilla
> representative fighting this fight there.

I definitely think it's time that we had a discussion within Mozilla as
to what we should do about this. It's not trivially obvious what the
right thing for the web is.

The internet is going to be used as a delivery mechanism for commercial
high-cost-of-production video. That's undeniable. There are three ways
this could play out (pun intended):

A) Provide a DRM mechanism in HTML5 which keeps them happy. (How
breakable or not it actually is, is a different question.) Have the
video delivered that way.

B) Have all the commercial video content be only available via Flash,
proprietary plugins or proprietary mobile apps, thereby saying "there
are some things the open web just can't provide for you - you need to go
closed for that".

C) Hope the economic analysis is wrong and that if we kill the idea of
DRM in HTML5, this content will appear un-DRMed in HTML5 form anyway
because it's just easier for them and the ease outweighs the lack of DRM.

My concern is that if we go for C), we'll get B), and B) might be worse
than A).

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