On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 8:29 PM, Asa Dotzler <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> My point isn't to quarrel about the depth of that back stack, but to say
> that it is not OK to simply dismiss a new feature because it increases
> memory footprint. Features vs footprint is a balancing act. Both sides must
> be weighed and that wasn't what I saw happening here. What I saw happening
> was the out of hand dismissal of a feature based on no consideration other
> than increased memory footprint. That cannot be how we roll.

Nobody dismissed it out-of-hand.  Reading back through the thread, I
guess you're objecting to what Ed Morley said:

> If this were a 1-5% regression, then I think it would be worth discussing the
> trade-off. At 20%, I really don't see how we can take this, sorry!

But that's hardly a direct dismissal -- he's given a range that he
feels would be acceptable, which feeds directly into the kind of
"weighing out" that you have advocated (and that much of the rest of
the thread has been about).

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