On 4/9/13 7:12 AM, Kevin Gadd wrote:
This is one of the problems Heap Profiler was written to solve:


It enables stack trace captures at allocation time, so at any given point
in the capture you can open the heap and see who allocated a given block of
memory. It can also display a fragmentation summary.

It would probably be trivial to extend it to do a fragmentation analysis
and generate a summary of who's causing the most fragmentation (by module
or function, most likely).
As far as I understand it, this tool profiles heap allocations like "malloc". I am not concerned with those allocations, but only with page allocations. Can this tool intercept calls to VirtualAlloc and especially MapViewOfFile so that we can see the stack at the point the large memory mappings are created?

Note that although it's interesting that we're fragmenting the page because of the 4k/64k behavior, I am much less concerned with that behavior than I am with the leaked memory mappings.


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