On Apr 30, 2013, at 10:28 PM, Andreas Gal <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Apr 30, 2013, at 9:56 PM, "Robert O'Callahan" <rob...@ocallahan.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Andreas Gal <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> I wonder whether we should focus on one fast GPU path via GLSL, and have one 
>> precise, working, I-don't-care-how-slow CPU fallback.
>> I agree that should be our top priority, and it may not be worth doing CPU 
>> SIMD at all. But if we can get it cheaply via Skia or somewhere else, maybe 
>> it's worth having. I didn't mean to imply CPU SIMD should be a priority.
>> As for the filters on GLContext, I wonder whether thats really the best 
>> approach. Don't most filter applications want to be injected into the shader 
>> pipeline instead? We would have to be able to compose filters for that and 
>> generate a composite GLSL program from that. So for example we want a 
>> BGRXTextureLayer, with Mask3D, with ColorMatrix, and we want GLSL source 
>> generated from that. So isn't really what we want a GLSL shader program 
>> generator (and cache) that we give an EffectChain and that gives us back a 
>> compiled shader? (with added effects including ColorMatrix, etc).
>> That's a good point: for optimal performance with simple filters we need to 
>> be able to combine the EffectChain with the filter. However I think adding 
>> filters to the EffectChain is probably not the right way to do that, because 
>> some filters require multiple passes with intermediate buffers and can't be 
>> compiled to a single program. I think to keep basic compositing simple we 
>> want an EffectChain to always compile to a single program. So I suspect the 
>> best approach might be to pass the EffectChain as an additional parameter to 
>> the GLContext filter implementation.
> Should we hide the temporary surface generation (when needed) within the API?
> GLContext::Composite(Target, Source, EffectChain, Filters)
> And if multiple shaders or passes are needed, we create a temporary surface 
> on the fly and then do the final composite with the given EffectChain.

On a second thought I think this should really live in gfx/layers/opengl, not 
on GLContext. I just filed bug 867460 to move all the layers-specific shader 
program stuff out of gfx/gl (which we should probably slim down and mostly 
eliminate over time).


> Andreas
>> Rob
>> -- 
>> q“qIqfq qyqoquq qlqoqvqeq qtqhqoqsqeq qwqhqoq qlqoqvqeq qyqoquq,q qwqhqaqtq 
>> qcqrqeqdqiqtq qiqsq qtqhqaqtq qtqoq qyqoquq?q qEqvqeqnq qsqiqnqnqeqrqsq 
>> qlqoqvqeq qtqhqoqsqeq qwqhqoq qlqoqvqeq qtqhqeqmq.q qAqnqdq qiqfq qyqoquq 
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>> qwqhqaqtq qcqrqeqdqiqtq qiqsq qtqhqaqtq qtqoq qyqoquq?q qEqvqeqnq 
>> qsqiqnqnqeqrqsq qdqoq qtqhqaqtq.q"

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