On 07/31/13 05:54 AM, Marco Bonardo wrote:
> On 29/07/2013 19:43, Gregory Szorc wrote:
>> I'm proposing that we merge all the release repositories (central,
>> aurora, beta, release, esr, and b2g) into a single Mercurial repository.
>> The "default" branch/bookmark of this repository would be the equivalent
>> of mozilla-central. At train uplift time, we create a new branch (or
>> bookmark) called gecko-N (or similar) where N is the core gecko/platform
>> release version. If default/central is on 25, Aurora changes land in
>> gecko-24, Beta in gecko-23, etc. These could be supplemented with build
>> and release tags/branches as appropriate.
> Now, maybe I'm wrong, but IIRC this is what we had before the rapid
> release, and we switched away from that cause:

Releases have always had their own repositories (see
https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-1.9.1 and similar). We used to
have named branches in mozilla-central for specific Betas, but they were
quite short lived. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?
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