On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Nathan Froyd <froy...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> > On 08/30/2013 11:07 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> > > Being able to sample uniformly whether or not the thread is in a
> syscall is
> > > important sometimes, so let's not lose that.
> >
> > I am not proposing to lose that facility.  Am only proposing (really,
> > merely parroting Taras' suggestion) that it would be nice to have the
> option
> > of some kind of adaptive backoff for threads blocked in syscalls.
> One way of handling this is the following: When you take a sample, replace
> the return address for the current stack frame with the address of a known
> function inside your profile (call this a "trampoline function").  Now the
> call stack looks something like:
>   A --> B --> C --> D --Trampoline--> E
> where the sample was taken in E.  The trampoline function enables us to
> keep track of what some portion of the stack looks like without having to
> unwind it.  Unwinding on subsequent samples proceeds until we encounter a
> frame whose return address is the trampoline function.  At that point, we
> know everything else above that frame is the same as whatever it was the
> last time we took a sample.
> There are now three interesting scenarios of what can happen before we
> take the next sample.
> 1) E does not return.  It may call other functions, it may do some
> computation, or it may just be blocked on a syscall.  Whatever the case, we
> take a sample, find that E's return address is our trampoline function, and
> stop.
> 2) E calls F calls G, and then a sample is taken.  Just prior to the
> sample, we have:
>   A --> B --> C --> D --Trampoline--> E --> F --> G
> The profiler fixes things up to do:
>   A --> B --> C --> D --> E --> F --Trampoline--> G
> and we go about our merry way.
> 3) E returns.  Instead of returning to D, it returns to our trampoline
> function.  Said function then replaces the return address of D's stack
> frame with the address of the trampoline function, and returns to the
> appropriate PC in D:
>   A --> B --> C --Trampoline--> D
> This can happen several times (D returns to C, etc.).
> Depending on how deep the call stack is and how frequently we push and pop
> stack frames, being able to not unwind some number of frames can be a
> significant savings.

Isn't this assuming that the stack frames are unique?  How would you handle
recursion under this scheme?


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