Separating and summarizing a little, it sounds like:

For alert/prompt/confirm, we're all (mostly?) agreed that the "prevent this 
page from creating additional dialogs" checkbox should have its meaning changed 
from "rate limit future alert/prompt/confirm" to "prevent future 
alert/prompt/confirm." In other words, bug 910501 is a valid bug.

For window.print(), we may want to consider a way to prevent the abuse of this 
function. A checkbox, similar to the one for alert/prompt/confirm, is a 
potential option. I imagine that making this a tab-modal dialog as opposed to 
an app-modal dialog would also be beneficial.

For window.showModalDialog(), same comments as for window.print().

If anyone has additional comments on point 1, I'd love to hear them as I have a 
patch that is waiting for the results of this discussion. As for points 2 and 
3, I'd be happy to file bugs and/or start new dev.platform threads. Mark - 
let's coordinate here.
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