On 2013-10-10 12:25 PM, Adam Roach wrote:
On 10/10/13 11:09, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
We encourage you to transition your site away from Java as soon as
possible. If there are APIs which you need in the web platform in
order to make that possible, please let me know and we will try to
make adding those a priority.

I haven't personally seen it done, but it seems to me that you could do
something like:

[java source] --javac-> [java bytecode] --llvm-> [llvm bitcode]
--emscripten-> [javascript]

I'm not claiming that this would be possible without some porting
effort; my point is that one does not need to start from scratch to make
this transition.

Has anyone here played around with the toolchain I describe above?

I have looked into this briefly. There is a java compiler that targets llvm somewhere which I can't find a link to right now, but it's unmaintained and IIRC it did not cover all of the Java syntax. But the real problem is in the huge API set that the JVM provides for various platform services and in order to use emscripten on java code for anything except for pure computations you will need a javascript implementation of those bits (similar to the javascript libc implementation in <https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/master/src/library.js>. To the best of my knowledge nobody has ever signed up to do that work.


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