> I hope this change makes you happy!

It most certainly does! I'm a huge proponent of code cleanup and organization, 
and this looks like a beautiful example of those.

> Finally, the root class, WidgetEvent, has As*Event class. The "*"
> doesn't include the prefix. I.e., for WidgetMouseEvent, the method name
> is WidgetEvent::AsMouseEvent(). This returns the pointer of the instance
> only when the instance is the class or its derived class. Otherwise,
> returns nullptr.
> E.g., WidgetDragEvent is defines as:
> WidgetEvent
>    +- WidgetGUIEvent
>         +- WidgetInputEvent
>              +- WidgetMouseEventBase
>                   +- WidgetMouseEvent
>                        +- WidgetDragEvent
> If an instance is WidgetDragEvent, AsGUIEvent(), AsInputEvent(),
> AsMouseEventBase(), AsMouseEvent() and AsDragEvent() returns its
> pointer.  The other As*Event() methods return nullptr.
> You should not use static_cast for Widget*Event and Internal*Event
> anymore because it may cause wrong casting bug with some mistakes
> (actually, there was such bug!).

I do have a question about this part. It seems that there are 3 distinct 
situations where you might be casting pointers around in this inheritance tree.
  1. Downcasting to a most-derived class (a leaf in the tree)
  2. Downcasting to a non-leaf-node (i.e. a class that is not a most-derived 
  3. Upcasting

For 1 and 3, I believe we can accomplish these safely using static_cast. For 3, 
this is always true. For 1, I believe that the static_cast is safe as long as 
you have checked the |eventStructType| member.
That is, the following should be safe:
  WidgetWheelEvent *event1 = nullptr;
  // Assume that aEvent is a WidgetEvent* that we received from elsewhere
  if (NS_WHEEL_EVENT == aEvent->eventStructType) {
    // We can now trust this cast
    event1 = static_cast<WidgetWheelEvent*>(aEvent);

For 2, the |eventStructType| member by itself doesn't give us enough 
information to know if a static_cast is safe (you'd have to keep a map of 
most-derived classes to all of their parent classes... yuck). In these cases, I 
feel that the As*Event functions are providing the same functionality as 
That is, the following are equivalent:
  // Assume that aEvent is a WidgetEvent* that we received from elsewhere
  WidgetInputEvent *event2 = aEvent->AsWheelEvent();
  WidgetInputEvent *event3 = dynamic_cast<WidgetInputEvent*>(aEvent);
  // At this point, |event2 == event3| should be true

So my question is this; is it preferable to keep the As*Event functions, or to 
use regular C++ casts to accomplish the same behavior? We could use static_cast 
unconditionally for upcasts, static_cast with a check of |eventStructType| for 
downcasts to most-derived event types, and dynamic_cast for downcasts to 
non-most-derived event types.

I don't think there would be a meaningful performance impact (case 3 would be 
faster, case 2 would be a dynamic cast vs a virtual function call, case 1 would 
be a branch vs a virtual function call), but I think it would clean up our 
event types even further (again, great work cleaning them up this much!) and it 
takes advantage of built-in support from the language to aid us in managing our 
event types.
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