While that might makes sense to implement for nightly, aurora, and possibly beta builds it doesn't makes sense to implement for release builds where the vast majority of users are and there are many higher priority bugs to work on that affect nightly, aurora, beta, and release.

On 11/20/2013 7:17 PM, Geoff Lankow wrote:
It's very annoying to have to download a full update of Nightly (~40MB) if you miss one. It'd be a better experience to download two or more partial updates (usually < 10MB) and have the updater install them sequentially. [NB. I'm not suggesting doing anything else in the build, unlike in bug 575317 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=575317> which created one partial update for a update of two or more versions.]
Note: this would require the AUS system which is managed by the same people that created the additional partial mar files to update the AUS system to track the additional partial mars. I personally prefer just creating mar files for x number of previous builds similar to bug 575317because it moves the complexity that would primarily benefit nightly, aurora, and possibly beta users to the server side which can be automated without adding complexity to the client side which could easily break release users.

Has this been discussed before?

If so, what was the outcome?
There have always been higher priority bugs to work on as previously noted.

Are there bugs filed?
There are on some of the aspects of this. Look under toolkit -> application update.


I didn't find any but I don't really know what to search for.

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