On 11/26/2013 08:10 PM, Josh Matthews wrote:
* regressionwindow-wanted, testcase-wanted: regression from earlier
versions is present, and some help crafting a testcase/clear steps to
consistently reproduce is desired

I think we should keep "testcase" and "steps to reproduce" as separate
notions.  There is a keyword to flag the absense of the latter:

* regressionwindow-wanted, testcase: regression from earlier versions is
present, and good STR have been identified

I don't think we should change "testcase" to also mean "good STR have
been identified".  Again, we have a keyword for the latter: reproducible.
(testcase implies reproducible of course)

As I see it, a testcase is different from good STR.  It's usually
a small standalone file attached on the bug that reproduces the

So I think we already have keywords to represent the states you want.

* regressionwindow-wanted: regression from earlier versions is present,
but there are not clear, reproducible steps to follow (likely quite

* regressionwindow-wanted, steps-wanted: regression from earlier versions
is present, and some help crafting a testcase/clear steps to consistently
reproduce is desired

* regressionwindow-wanted, reproducible: regression from earlier versions
is present, and good STR have been identified

* regressionwindow-wanted, reproducible, testcase-wanted: as above, but
we still want help producing a testcase from the STR

* regressionwindow-wanted, testcase: regression from earlier versions is
present, and we have a testcase that reproduces the problem

where the last three are variations of the state you labeled as
"good STR have been identified".

so I propose being more explicit about this.

Yes, I fully agree. And that goes for any bug, not just regressions.

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