Chiming in a little late:

On Jan 6, 2014, at 6:35 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 <> wrote:

> I find prefixing member variables with 'm' to be useful, although I dislike 
> using it in POD-ish structs where all the members are public.

Fully agreed, and IMO the style guide should be changed to include this.

> The use of 'a' for arguments is where I am least consistent, especially as I 
> extremely dislike it being used for an outparam return value

That also bothers me. I'd support adding an 'o' prefix for outparams.

> I've never found much use for the 's', 'g', and 'k' prefixes, although that 
> may just as well be because I've never found much use for using those types 
> of variables in the first place (or when I do, it's because I'm being 
> dictated by other concerns instead, e.g., type traits-like coding or C++11 
> polyfilling).

I don't see the use in distinguishing between 's' and 'g'. They're both 
potentially dangerous globally-shared data, and that's the most important 
information the reader should know. (Except if they're immutable, of course, 
but then presumably they'd have a 'k' prefix.) We could classify them both as 
'g', but considering the number of bugs I've seen stemming from unprotected 
access to these kinds of variables, I would support a more verbose and 
distinctive prefix like 'unsafe'.

- Seth

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