On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 2014-05-13, 9:25 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
>>         Web applications can already do this today. There's nothing
>>         stopping them
>>         from figuring out the CPU's and trying to use them all.
>>         Worse, I think they will likely optimize for popular platforms
>>         which either
>>         overtax or underutilize non-popular ones.
>>     Can you please provide some examples of actual web applications that
>>     do this, and what they're exactly trying to do with the number once
>>     they estimate one?  (Eli's timing attack demos don't count. ;-)
>> Eli's listed some examples:
>> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/NavigatorCores#Example_use_cases
> That is a list of use cases which could use better ways of supporting a
> worker pool that actually scales to how many cores you have available at
> any given point in time.  That is *not* what navigator.hardwareConcurrency
> gives you, so I don't find those examples very convincing.

That is not the point of this attribute. It's just a hint for the author so
he can tune his application accordingly.
Maybe the application is tuned to use fewer cores, or maybe more. It all

> (Note that I would be very eager to discuss a proposal that actually tries
> to solve that problem.)

You should do that! People have brought this up in the past but no progress
has been made in the last 2 years.
However, if this simple attribute is able to stir people's emotions, can
you imagine what would happen if you propose something complex? :-)

>  I don't have any other cases where this is done.
> That really makes me question the "positive feedback from web developers"
> cited in the original post on this thread.  Can you please point us to
> places where that feedback is documented?

That was from the email to blink-dev where Adam Barth stated this.
I'll ask him where this came from.

I looked at other interpreted languages and they all seem to give you
access to the CPU count. Then I searched on GitHub to see the popularity:


11,295 results



use Sys::Info;
use Sys::Info::Constants qw( :device_cpu );
my $info = Sys::Info->new;
my $cpu = $info->device( CPU => %options );

7 results



23,967 results




115 results




5,315 results

I also searched for JavaScript files that contain "cpu" and "core":

21,487 results


The results are mixed. Some projects seem to hard code CPU cores while
others are not about workers at all.
A search for "worker" and "cpu" gets more consistent results:

2,812 results


node.js is also exposing it:


4,851 results


> Maybe PDF.js would be
>> interested. They use workers to render pages and decompress images so I
>> could see how this is useful to them.
> I'm not aware of that use case for pdf.js.

I'm sure someone on this list is currently working on pdf.js. Maybe they
can chime in?

>          Everyone is in agreement that that is a hard problem to fix and
>>         that there
>>         is no clear answer.
>>         Whatever solution is picked (maybe like Grand Central or Intel
>>         TBB), most
>>         solutions will still want to know how many cores are available.
>>         Looking at the native platform (and Adobe's applications), many
>>         query the
>>         operating system for this information to balance the workload. I
>>         don't see
>>         why this would be different for the web platform.
>>     I don't think that the value exposed by the native platforms is
>>     particularly useful.  Really if the use case is to try to adapt the
>>     number of workers to a number that will allow you to run them all
>>     concurrently, that is not the same number as reported traditionally
>>     by the native platforms.
>> Why not? How is the web platform different?
> Here's why I find the native platform parity argument unconvincing here.
>  This is not the only primitive that native platforms expose to make it
> possible for you to write apps that scale to the number of available cores.
>  For example, OS X provides GCD.  Windows provides at least two threadpool
> APIs.  Not sure if Linux directly addresses this problem right now.

I'm not familiar with the success of those frameworks. Asking around at
Adobe, so far I haven't found anyone that has used them.
Tuning the application depending on the number of CPU's is done quite often.

> Another very important distinction between the Web platform and native
> platforms which is relevant here is the amount of abstraction that each
> platform provides on top of hardware.  Native platforms provide a much
> lower level of abstraction, and as a result, on such platforms at the very
> least you can control how many threads your own application spawns and
> keeps active.  We don't even have this level of control on the Web platform
> (applications are typically even unaware that you have multiple copies
> running in different tabs for example.)

I'm unsure how tabs are different from different processes.
As an author, I would certainly want my web workers to run in parallel. Why
else would I use workers to do number crunching?
Again, this is a problem that already exists and we're not trying to solve
it here.

> Also, please note that there are use cases on native platforms which don't
> really exist on the Web.  For example, on a desktop OS you might want to
> write a "system info" application which actually wants to list information
> about the hardware installed on the system.
>      If you try Eli's test case in Firefox under different workloads (for
>>     example, while building Firefox, doing a disk intensive operation,
>>     etc.), the utter inaccuracy of the results is proof in the
>>     ineffectiveness of this number in my opinion.
>> As Eli mentioned, you can run the algorithm for longer and get a more
>> accurate result.
> I tried <http://wg.oftn.org/projects/customized-core-estimator/demo/>
> which is supposed to give you a more accurate estimate.  Have you tried
> that page when the system is under load in Firefox?
> > Again, if the native platform didn't support this,
>> doing this in C++ would result in the same.
> Yes, exactly.  Which is why I don't really buy the argument that we should
> do this because native platforms do this.

I don't follow. Yes, the algorithm is imprecise and it would be just as
imprecise in C++.
There is no difference in behavior between the web platform and native.

>      Also, I worry that this API is too focused on the past/present.  For
>>     example, I don't think anyone sufficiently addressed Boris' concern
>>     on the whatwg thread about AMP vs SMP systems.
>> Can you provide a link to that?
> http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2014-May/296737.html
> > Are there systems that expose this to
>> the user? (AFAIK slow cores are substituted with fast ones on the fly.)
> I'm not sure about the details of how these cores are controlled, whether
> the control happens in hardware or in the OS, etc.  This is one aspect of
> this problem which needs more research before we can decide to implement
> and ship this, IMO.

Does Firefox behave different on such systems? (Is it even supported on
these systems?)
If so, how are workers scheduled? In the end, even if the cores are
heterogeneous, knowing the number of them will keep them ALL busy (which
means more work is getting done)

>      This proposal also assumes that the UA itself is mostly contempt
>>     with using a single core, which is true for the current browser
>>     engines, but we're working on changing that assumption in Servo.  It
>>     also doesn't take the possibility of several ones of these web
>>     application running at the same time.
>> How is this different from the native platform?
> On the first point, I hope the difference is obvious.  Native apps don't
> typically run in a VM which provides highly sophisticated functionality for
> them.

See my long list of interpreted languages earlier in this email.
There are lots of VM's that support this and a lot of people are using it.

> And also they give you direct control over how many threads your
> "application" (which typically maps to an OS level process) spawns and
> when, what their priorities and affinities are, etc.  I think with that in
> mind, implementing this API as is in Gecko will be lying to the user
> (because we run some threads with higher priority than worker threads, for
> example our chrome workers, the MediaStreamGraph thread, etc.) and it would
> actually be harmful in Servo where the UA tries to get its hands on as many
> cores as it can do to things such as running script, layout, etc.

Why would that be? Are you burning more CPU resources in servo to do the
same thing? If so, that sounds like a problem.
If not, the use case to scale your workload to more CPU cores is even
better as similar tasks will end faster.
For instance, if we have a system with 8 idle cores and we divide up a 64
second task

UA overhead = 2s + 8 * 8s -> 10s

UA overhead over 2 threads = 2 * 1s + 8 * 8s -> 9s

> On the second point, please see the paragraph above where I discuss that.
>      Until these issues are addressed, I do not think we should implement
>>     or ship this feature.
>> FWIW these issues were already discussed in the WebKit bug.
> The issues that I bring up here are the ones that I think have not either
> been brought up before or have not been sufficiently addressed, so I'd
> appreciate if you could try to address them sufficiently.  It could be that
> I'm wrong/misinformed and I would appreciate if you would call me out on
> those points.
>  I find it odd that we don't want to give authors access to such a basic
>> feature. Not everything needs to be solved by a complex framework.
> You're asserting that navigator.hardwareConcurrency gives you a basic way
> of solving the use case of scaling computation over a number of worker
> threads.  I am rejecting that assertion here.  I am not arguing that we
> should not try to fix this problem, I'm just not convinced that the current
> API brings us any closer to solving it.

I'm not asserting anything. I want to give authors an hint that they can
make a semi-informed decision to balance their workload.
Even if there's a more general solution later on to solve that particular
problem, it will sometimes still be valuable to know the layout of the
system so you can best divide up the work.
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