On Fri 16 May 2014 07:45:22 AM PDT, Justin Dolske wrote:
> On 5/16/14, 6:38 AM, Curtis Koenig wrote:
>> Would this be disabled in Private Browsing? If not that might be
>> perceived as negating one of the reasons users have for using that
>> particular feature.
> Private Browsing mode is about not storing _local_ data from your
> activities. It is explicitly not an "anti tracking" mode because
> that's extremely difficult-to-impossible to do robustly just on the
> client, and would be a misleading claim and/or result in a browser
> most people would think is broken. E.G. as already noted in this
> thread, sites can already do this without <a ping>.

When you're shopping for an engagement ring, why would you want to 
prevent the jewelry vendor from knowing that you're shopping, or from 
knowing who you are?

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