
The Loop project aims to create a user-visible real-time communications service for existing Mozilla products, leveraging the WebRTC platform. One version of the client will be integrated with Firefox Desktop. It is intended to be interoperable with a Firefox OS application (not part of Gaia) that will be shipped by a third party on the Firefox OS 2.0 platform.

The implementation of the client has already reached a proof-of-concept stage in a set of github repositories. This announcement of intent is being sent in advance of integration into the mozilla-central repositories. This integration will be a two-step process. The first step, which has already taken place, is to land the existing implementation in the Elm tree to validate proper integration into the RelEng systems. After testing, the code will be merged into m-c, and subsequent development will take place in the m-i/m-c trees.

The code is currently controlled by the MOZ_LOOP preprocessor definition, which is only enabled for Nightly builds. The feature will iterate on Nightly until it is considered complete enough to ride the trains out.

For more details:


Link to standard: N/A

Platform coverage: Firefox on Desktop.

Estimated or target release: Firefox 33 or 34 (33 is a stretch goal for the team, 34 is a committed date).

Preference behind which this will be implemented: For initial landing on Nightly, none. Will be behind "loop.enabled" before riding the trains.

Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
dev-platform mailing list

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