On 5/31/2014 4:44 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
On 27/05/14 19:44, Chris Pearce wrote:
Encrypted Media Extensions specifies a JavaScript interface for
interacting with plugins that can be used to facilitate playback of DRM
protected media content. We will also be implementing the plugin
interface itself. We will be working in partnership with Adobe who are
developing a compatible DRM plugin; the Adobe Access CDM.
Is now the time to have the UX discussion? If not, when and where will
that be happening?

I think we should have the UX discussion ASAP, so that we can get on with implementing it ASAP.

I don't know where we'll be having that discussion, I don't know how the UX people and their process works.

Chris P.
dev-platform mailing list

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