2014-06-09 16:27 GMT-04:00 Jet Villegas <j...@mozilla.com>:

> It seems healthy for the core C++ language to explore new territory here.
> Modern primitives for things like pixels and colors would be a good thing,
> I think. Let the compiler vendors compete to boil it down to the CPU/GPU.

In the Web world, we have such an API, Canvas 2D, and the "compiler
vendors" are the browser vendors. After years of intense competition
between browser vendors, and very high cost to all browser vendors, nobody
has figured yet how to make Canvas2D efficiently utilize GPUs. There are
basically two kinds of Canvas2D applications: those for which GPUs have
been useless so far, and those which have benefited much more from getting
ported to WebGL, than they did from accelerated Canvas 2D.


> There will always be the argument for keeping such things out of Systems
> languages, but that school of thought won't use those features anyway. I
> was taught to not divide by 2 because bit-shifting is how you do fast
> graphics in C/C++. I sure hope the compilers have caught up and such
> trickery is no longer required--Graphics shouldn't be such a black art.
> --Jet
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