On 02/07/2014 17:46, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
On 7/2/2014 11:18 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
I find the current state extremely frustrating. I had big plans for
the in-tree docs, including capturing JavaScript docs and having JSM
APIs automatically published to MDN so we don't have to write docs
twice. If anyone is in a position to nudge this project forward, I'd
really appreciate the assist. We're mostly blocked on MDN accommodations.

The problem I always had was the lack of a JS documentation tool that
could actually process Mozilla code...

Ditto. It might be nice to move the build docs to MDN, but most of our code is not the build docs. Without good support for (our) JS and C++, this is significantly less useful.

~ Gijs
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