Yes, indeed. Below, I meant to agree with adding a new EventTarget where these events can be targeted to. :-)


On 2014-07-21, 12:05 PM, Marco Chen wrote:
Yes, I agree with you for virtual device storage API.

But before discussing the detail of virutal device storage api,
the first step here is to figure out where should new event handler be

Since there is not only new event handler been added but also a set of
APIs potentially,
I support to Dave' suggestion.
*寄件者: *"Ehsan Akhgari" <>
*收件者: *,
*寄件備份: *2014 7 月 21 星期一 下午 11:32:33
*主旨: *Re: Intent to implement: navigator.deviceStorage

On 2014-07-20, 10:43 PM, wrote:
 >> Perhaps adding an
 >> EventListener on Window would be enough, so that we can keep the
same API?
 > As Dave said, we might still need to propose a set of WebAPI for
Virutal Device Storage (Then we can have apps like dropboxstorage app,
googledriverstorage app and sambaStorage app). If we can add
navigator.deviceStorage then these old and new proposed APIs can be put
together. (not sure this is a principle of designing Web API or we can
split functions/events to different places).

That sounds good, but of course we need a more concrete proposal for the
virtual device storage API.


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