I missed this earlier. Lacking any major concerns (Jet did express one), I 
approve the deployment of this experiment on Beta 32 on behalf of release 


----- Original Message -----
> This is an official notice of intent to deploy the experiment in bug
> 1018200 to the beta channel.
> The experiment is an A/B test to determine the optimal value of the
> dom.ipc.plugins.unloadTimeoutSecs on the FF32 beta. This setting
> determines primarily how long we wait to unload Flash and other plugins
> after a user isn't using it any more while browsing. Users in the
> experiment will be grouped into 8 equal groups whose timeouts will be
> set to various values: 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 300 seconds.
> The experiment parameters are:
> MinVersion: 32.0
> MaxVersion: 34.*
> Start Date: 01-Jul-2014
> End Date: 02-Sep-2014
> Maximum runtime: 42.0 days
> Update Channels: beta
> Sample Rate: 5%
> Low-priority experiment: this experiment is lower-priority than the
> translation experiment already scheduled for beta, so any users eligible
> for that experiment will participate in that one first. A reminder that
> the experiment system only runs one experiment at a time, so there is no
> chance of multiple experiments conflicting.
> To analyze the results I intend after 2-3 weeks to correlate the
> experiment groups against the telemetry measurement for plugin launch
> time (bug 1011136). This will tell us both how often users are launching
> plugins, but also how long those plugin launches take. My intent is to
> pick a final value for this preference based on the data before we ship
> FF32 to release.
> Chad, I'm looking for your approval to use 5% of the beta population for
> this experiment.
> Release-drivers, I am looking for your approval to enable this
> experiment as soon as Kamil completes QA verification on staging.
> gps, I would like you to take care of getting this experiment deployed
> to production when everything is ready and monitoring the deployment,
> since I will be on vacation.
> I want to thank Qeole, a contributor who implemented the correct timeout
> setting, the telemetry probe, and this experiment all himself. He/she
> has done this thoughtfully and well.
> --BDS
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