On 08/09/14 19:42, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
>> I think unreviewed tests should still be run by browsers' automated
>> testing framework (obviously unless they take too long, are
>> unreliable, etc.).  They just shouldn't be counted toward any claims
>> of conformance.  Even if the expected values are entirely silly, which
>> they probably aren't, they'll still help regression testing.  There's
>> already an external set of tests that Mozilla runs (browserscope)
>> which I think is wrong in a number of its expected results, but it's
>> still been useful for catching regressions in my experience.
> Yeah, I second this.  There is a lot of value in having tests that
> detect the changes in Gecko's behavior.

Yes, I agree too. One option I had considered was making a suite
"web-platform-tests-mozilla" for things that we can't push upstream e.g.
because the APIs aren't (yet) undergoing meaningful standardisation.
Putting the editing tests into this bucket might make some sense.

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