On 09/24/2014 09:32 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
> Or, alternatively, it seems like the use case here would be 
> addressed by doing what the spec said before.

Following up more on this: the CSSWG has now resolved to *allow* (but
not require) the formerly-required-by-spec prettier downscaling
behavior, per the first "RESOLVED" at the top of

I filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1072703 to cover

Given that the main use-cases for "image-rendering:pixelated" are for
*upscaling*, I don't think the optional-better-downscaling-work should
block us from shipping a straightforward (& spec-compliant)
nearest-neighbor implementation for "pixelated".

We can add better-downscaling logic separately, in the followup bug --
though it may even arrive in the same release where we ship "pixelated"
(or if not that, soon after), since as noted in my other repsonse to
dbaron, it's not *too* much work.

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