On 10/13/14 4:54 PM, Chris More wrote:
I am imagining a pie chart of the the current installer and then a table of the name of each component, their size (KB or MB), and any additional meta data.
Pie charts are usually not all that useful in this kind of analysis; but one is attached based on Kyle's work.

Bar charts can be a bit more useful since its easier to see pct. contributed by each component and where the long tail of "uninteresting/disjointed" components starts to kick in.

The top 4 components make up the bulk of the package and then anything past the next 8 components is less that 1% of the package.

31.28%     ./core/xul.dll
13.97%     ./core/omni.ja
13.00%     ./core/icudt52.dll
11.16%     ./core/browser/omni.ja
6.10%     ./core/gkmedias.dll
4.64%     ./core/mozjs.dll
4.04%     ./core/d3dcompiler_46.dll
2.63%     ./core/D3DCompiler_43.dll
2.25%     ./core/nss3.dll
1.28%     ./core/icuin52.dll
1.12%     ./core/uninstall/helper.exe
1.00%     ./core/icuuc52.dll
0.96%     ./core/msvcr100.dll
0.86%     ./setup.exe
0.80%     ./core/libGLESv2.dll
0.78%     ./core/dictionaries/en-US.dic

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