On 11/03/2014 07:43 PM, Gregory Szorc wrote:
On 10/31/14 11:03 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
Not sure if I follow.  Are you suggesting that git users push to their
own vanilla git server, and then autoland comes around some time later,
converts that into hg, and tries to transplant the result?  Why is that
better than just having a git server that pushes to an hg server before
accepting a push?  That seems to both address the use case of pushing to
Autoland's hg repo, and also the use cases that do not involve Autoland.

Part of Autoland is discovery of unpublished heads. I imagine this will be
triggered by pushing to a well-defined repository. But having Autoland
discover things from "user repositories" is certainly in the realm of

I think you should look at the following command, as it returns the last commit in common:

git merge-base master <branch>

If Autoland knows the Git<->Hg SHA-1 mapping, there should be little reason
Autoland can't discover landing requests from Git repositories.

We have a mapfile which currently synced to people.mozilla.org. Unfortunately we don't have a incremental updates of this mapfile yet, but in the mean time you can use the script I made to map from one to the other

ssh -l <login> people.mozilla.org ~npierron/changeset-to-commit.sh <chgset>
ssh -l <login> people.mozilla.org ~npierron/commit-to-changeset.sh <sha1>

Nicolas B. Pierron

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