On Nov 3, 2014, at 1:44 PM, rviti...@mozilla.com wrote:

> In particular Facebook, which practically appears in any top 10 list, had 
> (has?) a serious power bug that caused FF to render a hidden spinning wheel. 
> Because of this single bug any power benchmark performed by the press, which 
> was likely going to be based on the top N most visited sites on the web, was 
> likely going to be skewed significantly to our loss.

This is bug 962594; I pushed in a fix last week. Debugging the problem revealed 
that some simple architectural changes could let us solve not only this bug but 
the entire category of related bugs (there are more; see for example bug 
987212) in a very clean way. It will take some time to get the pieces into 
place, but we should be much more efficient in our handling of non-visible 
animated images soon.

Thanks for identifying these problems and pushing to get them fixed, Roberto!

- Seth
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