On 11/12/14 10:39 PM, Dan Glastonbury wrote:
Hi, I've been trying MozReview and I'm having trouble with updating a
review with changes for my reviewers to verify. The documentation says,
"Oh, it just works", but in my case it doesn't.

I'm using the evolve extension, so my repo have obsolescence markers,
but I don't see them being sync'd with the review repo. Or maybe I'm
using reviewboard incorrectly.

Anyway, is there a way to tell MozReview that a changeset id is an
update for an existing review, for example, by using the web interface
to upload a diff, or should I discard my existing reviews and start again?

Please file a bug with STR.

We don't sync obs markers using Mercurial yet. Instead, we transfer the obs markers as part of the "initiate review" payload. The server has them long enough to perform an intelligent mapping, then it discards them. As soon as native obs marker exchange scales to our level, we'll likely enable it. Unfortunately, we don't have any UI letting you know that obs markers are being used. Perhaps we should add that...

It is always safe to push new commits to the review server. Worst case you discard the drafts and nobody sees the mess but you. This is a benefit of Review Board's draft-by-default workflow.

If evolution is failing you or you aren't using evolution, commit reordering will often result in review requests getting mapped to the "wrong" commit. We know we need to implement a heuristic based commit matcher to detect this reordering and map review requests appropriately. It's just not the highest priority right now. Code is at https://hg.mozilla.org/hgcustom/version-control-tools/file/220f22694a45/pylib/reviewboardmods/reviewboardmods/pushhooks.py#l268 if someone wants to take a stab at it. (This is high on the list once we get basic UI warts and Bugzilla interaction squared away.)
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