Hi Gregory

> Please read http://www.conifersystems.com/whitepapers/gnu-make/. That is
> one of my go to articles for explaining why make sucks.

I would not point people to this article as it is flawed. I won't go
through the points it mentions. Some are relevant, others aren't, and
some probably depend on the user's expectation.

What I really criticize is that the authors are often simply ignorant.
There are several examples of this, but the worst one is the case of
recursive make. They cite Recursive Make Considered Harmful, yet they
insist on using recursive make and then complain about how it leads to
problems; ignoring existing solutions provided in RMCH.

Another point to mention is that Conifer Systems sells a competing build
system. They have a financial interest in making make look bad; in
contrast to merely improving the State Of The Art.

Best regards

p.s. I'd rather like to stop the discussion soon, because it's quite OT
at this point.
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