On 12/19/2014 8:19 PM, Jason Orendorff wrote:
> Maybe it's time to retire this feature.

I'd be fine with this.

One of the confusing aspects of these warnings is that they are enabled
or disabled by default based on whether the build is a debug build
("javascript.options.strict" vs "javascript.options.strict.debug").

Front-end developers doing front-end debugging are encouraged to work on
release builds, since debug builds are just too slow for the purpose
(talking with gps and other build folks, this seems the way to go at
present, rather than improving the performance of debug builds or
introducing a third build type).

The result is these warnings are just unseen.

I don't have a good solution for detecting the type of errors this
warning is trying to detect (typos), but I'd say that static rather
than dynamic analysis is more indicated. Maybe we could make available
an opt-in code linting solution - and these typos would become errors,
not warnings, that are actionable, as David suggested.

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