I wanted to shared publicly the projects and areas of focus that the Firefox Desktop Platform team in Q1.

*Video quality issues, especially Flash video:* We have market data which indicates that one of the most important pain points for Firefox users is problems with video. We have several projects across Mozilla to help improve this, including MSE so that youtube can stop using Flash, and implementing video fallback in Shumway instead of in Flash for common video sites. In specific, my goal is to reduce by half the number of users who experience plugin hangs/deadlocks, which are currently very common on Windows.

*e10s:* the focus of our team in particular will be making sure that e10s performs well and has proper measurement systems. This includes updating telemetry to work with e10s, Talos metrics, and other e10s-specific quality metrics. We will use these metrics to prepare a recommendation for e10s riding the trains to beta and then release.

*Telemetry/FHR Unification: *This will combine FHR and telemetry back into a single client/server measurement system similar to the current telemetry session-based measurement infrastructure. This involves both client and server work on our team, and is being done along with the services engineering team who will be maintaining the data ingestion infrastructure and the metrics team who uses the data for analysis. This will ride the Firefox 38 train.

*Update Orphaning: *We currently have too many users stuck on old versions of Firefox. This quarter we will be making a concerted effort to measure the reasons that users get stuck on old versions and implement fixes. Our current orphaning rate is 2% of users per 6-week release cycle, and by the end of the year we intend for this to be below 0.5%.

*Catastrophic Memory Usage: *Some Firefox users especially on Windows are experiencing huge memory usage and common OOM crashes. This is not common to all users, but appears to affect particular configurations. Our goal last quarter which carries into this year is to diagnose the most common causes of this problem and work with the appropriate engineering teams to solve the problems. Currently this effort focuses on data from crash-stats, but it appears that it may be necessary to add specific measurement of these problems to telemetry in order to properly understand the issues.

Questions or comments welcome.


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