Hi all,

I would like to modify the Firefox source code in order to log every execution 
of any JavaScript API function (or object method) invoked by any JavaScript 
code on any website together with the full URL to the file which contained the 
JavaScript code.

For example, we have the following files, which include (among others) the 
following statements:

* http://www.aaa.com/dir1/file1.htm
var x = document.getElementById("demo");

* http://www.bbb.com/dirT/file44.htm
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";

I would like to automatically log the execution of these functions as:

http://www.aaa.com/dir1/file1.htm | getElementById
http://www.bbb.com/dirT/file44.htm | getElementById
http://www.bbb.com/dirT/file44.htm | getContext
http://www.bbb.com/dirT/file44.htm | fillRect

If it is possible, I would also like to separately log all the set / read 
properties, as:

http://www.bbb.com/dirT/file44.htm | fillStyle

I know that the JavaScript API functions are implemented in Firefox in 2 ways: 
as C++ functions or JavaScript functions. However, I do not care how the 
functions are internally implemented - I just want to log all the executions. 
Is there any easy way to do that besides adding logging statements to every 
single JavaScript function we want to log?

Thank you for all your suggestions in advance.

Best regards,
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