> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Nicholas Hurley <hur...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 9:44 PM, Patrick Cloke <clo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I did not think you were randomly guessing, I guess I'm not convinced the
> >> browser is able to tell what the user has "intentionally" done.
> >
> > Given that the browser has access to your browsing history (assuming you
> > aren't running in private browsing mode, in which case this feature is
> > disabled anyway), it shouldn't be surprising that we know what the user has
> > intentionally done. Furthermore, we don't just predict willy-nilly. This is
> > explicitly for the case when you're visiting a site you've visited before.
> > Say you go to load yahoo.com - based on your previous visits to yahoo.com,
> > we will start firing off dns requests and/or tcp/tls connections that
> > you're highly likely to need again on this load of yahoo.com. We won't,
> > however, start firing off those requests just because you happen to have a
> > page open with a link to yahoo.com on it. You have to click on one of
> > those links before any predictions start.

My point was that just because it is in my history, does not necessarily mean I 
intentionally visited it. Maybe I lent my computer to someone else or clicked 
on a link by mistake. (By the way, I fully understand why the assumption that 
if it's in the history then it was intentional was made. I'm just undecided on 
whether I agree with the assumption or not.) I was asking for more information 
about the algorithm, e.g. is there a frequency/recency component to understand 
how visiting a link only a few times would impact this. But as you suggested, I 
can read the code and take a look at it if I'm really interested. I fully 
understand that you're not arbitrarily opening connections, by the way.

My concern is that by going to a site (yahoo.com, in your example), I'm not 
saying that I currently "trust" any of the other sites linked off there, even 
if I've been there before. If I trust them I'll go to them.

> > And of course privacy is important - I wouldn't have wanted to work on
> > this feature if I didn't think it could be done in a privacy-preserving
> > manner, and I (along with a lot of other people) am confident that I've
> > done that. So, here's to faster page loads without sacrificing privacy!

Thanks for ensuring that this was considered before this feature was 
implemented! By the way, please don't try to think I'm knocking this feature at 
all. I'm sure you've put a lot of good work and thought into it. I'm just 
trying to adequately understand the privacy ramifications.

Thanks (again) for replying!
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