Daniel Veditz <dved...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:32 PM, L. David Baron <dba...@dbaron.org> wrote:
>> (1) The "Confinement with Origin Web Labels" deliverable is described
>>     in a way that makes it unclear what the deliverable would do.  It
>>     should be clearer.  Furthermore, the lack of clarity means we
>>     couldn't evaluate whether we are comfortable with it being in the
>>     charter.
> Brian's objections seem to be to a different "sub-origin" proposal from Joel
> Weinberger of Google. COWL is essentially a data-tainting proposal that
> builds on the capabilities of CSP to make it safer to use 3rd party
> libraries and mashups. Having it in the charter is not a commitment that
> Mozilla will implement this, but it's a promising idea and having it in the
> charter means it's in scope for WASWG to discuss it.

Yes, I agree I was mistaken. You can read more about COWL at
http://cowl.ws/. Note, in particular, that the prototype is a
modification of Firefox. Also note this acknowledgement from the
second COWL paper: "We thank Bobby Holley, Blake Kaplan, Ian Melven,
Garret Robinson, Brian Smith, and Boris Zbarsky for helpful
discussions of the design and implementation of COWL."

> (2) The "Entry Point Regulation for Web Applications" deliverable seems
>>     to have serious risks of breaking the ability to link.  It's not
>>     clear that the security benefits of this specification outweigh the
>>     risks to the abilities of Web users.
> The Working Group is also concerned that we not break the ability to do
> links on the web. We have added that as an explicit requirement in the
> charter. This work item is the most nebulous item in the charter. It has
> some promising ideas that could help prevent CSRF type attacks; it might
> also turn out to be completely unworkable and be dropped. We'd like it to be
> in the charter so we can explore these concepts under the W3 IPR commitments
> of the WG members.

I think it would be good to work out how much of the problem is solved
by same-origin cookies and related things, and how much is left over
for EPR to solve, before the working group dives into EPR. EPR and CSP
pinning look like they have a lot of overlap with app manifests.

> This item was indeed a reference to the Powerful Features spec, which has
> been explicitly added to the deliverables section. The Web Application
> Security WG has been directed by the TAG to "document best practices" on
> this (http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/web-https). The charter has been
> clarified to note that only the "algorithm for determining if a given
> context is sufficiently secure" will be normative, and advice on when a
> feature might designate itself as requiring a secure context will be
> non-normative.

I think that "Powerful Features" is a terrible name, but I support the
webappsec work on it.

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