On 30/03/15 23:55, Karl Dubost wrote:
> Le 31 mars 2015 à 07:43, James Graham <ja...@hoppipolla.co.uk> a écrit :
>> There is also a view with some extra comments at [1] which are worth
>> reading.
>> [1]
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K-mKOqiUiSjgZTEscBLjtjd6E67oiK8H2ztOiq5tigk/view#
> And to not forget the title, if people missed the topic of that email "from 
> Google"
>       Perf Audits for Blink & DevTools, CNet, Wikipedia, Time
> —> *Blink*

If you just mean that the specifics of this analysis have all been done
in Blink then yes, that's true and the document certainly mentions Blink
bugs that aren't directly relevant to Gecko. But there are a lot of very
general lessons in there about the perf-destroying things that authors
do, which provides an indication of where we should be improving the
platform to provide more performant APIs, the kind of data that we need
to surface in devtools to ensure that authors can investigate their
performance issues, and the kind of outreach we ought to be doing to get
past the "DOM is slow" meme into a more reasonable discussion about web
perf and how to optimise sites.

It would certainly be interesting to do a similar analysis in Gecko to
try and surface specific perf bugs that we could fix.

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