> On Jun 2, 2015, at 1:59 PM, L. David Baron <dba...@dbaron.org> wrote:
> Remember that if 'auto' is forbidden, people might get around it by
> not using a variable at all (and instead repeating the expression)
> rather than by writing the type explicitly on the variable... and
> this doesn't provide type information.

This is a point that’s worth calling out explicitly. When you write this:


You do not have to explicitly specify the return type of Bar(), and if you 
change both the return type of Bar() and the type of Foo()’s first parameter, 
you don’t have to update this callsite.

If you write this:

Baz val = Bar();

Now you’ve been forced to explicitly write out the return type of Bar(), and if 
you change the type of Foo() and Bar(), you have to update this call site as 

If you write this:

auto val = Bar();

Then you’ve been able to pull the Bar() call into a separate statement without 
adding any additional coupling - you can change the type of Foo() and Bar() 
without updating this callsite, just as in the first case.

An additional advantage of auto is that |val|’s type is actually the type that 
Bar() returns (modulo references and the like), which is _not_ guaranteed when 
you write out |val|’s type explicitly. If Bar()’s return type changes, but the 
new type has an implicit conversion to Baz, you may end up performing an 
conversion which you didn’t intend, and the compiler won’t catch it. This won’t 
happen with auto.

I think there is definite value in auto’s reduced coupling and increased 
robustness to type changes in some cases. It can result in smaller patches 
which are easier to write, easier to review, bitrot less easily, and are easier 
to uplift, because fewer callsites need to be modified.

Perhaps this will have no bearing on the final rules we adopt - I think 
generally the policy that auto should be used only when the code remains 
readable is something we can all agree on - but I wanted to explicitly call out 
some advantages of auto that I think are worth keeping in mind when deciding 

- Seth
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