On 17 June 2015 at 15:57, Paul Rouget <p...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> - access the computed style of the body to update the theme of the browser

By theme do you mean like a kind of automatic theme-color? You probably
know the b2g browser currently just uses the metachange event to get
theme-color meta tags for this, and falls back to a default.

> - walk through the DOM to get data to build a preview of the tab
- access any metadata (today the list is limited)
> - find the largest image of the page for a "tab card"

This all sounds like it might be similar to the cards we're creating to
represent pages in Pinning the Web
https://wiki.mozilla.org/FirefoxOS/Pinning_the_Web - we're planning on
using Linked Data to get the key metadata we need for this - like title,
description, image and other more specialised data for various content
types (we have a working prototype). We fallback to a default card composed
from a screenshot, theme-color and the document title.

But mostly, being able to do more with the browser api without
> requiring an update of gecko.

That's just cheating ;)

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