> Alternatively, create an empty dialog and manipulate the dialog using DOM
> based on the arguments you pass using window.open[Dialog](...). This is

What do you mean by 'empty dialog'? Is it a

a. xul "skeleton" file
or something like
b. openDialog("about:blank"); ?

I might have missed that, but the main goal is avoiding adding a further file
to the extension bundle.

In case b., openDialog("about:blank") returns an HTML document that doesn't have
anymore the structure of a 'dialog' xul element. So, in this case, how to get a 
to the 'dialog' element associated with "about:blank" ?

> probably more similar to what you describe than the data: url option, but it
> would also mean that you initially open the dialog with different content
> than what you ultimately want, and that might have side-effects.
> ~ Gijs

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