It seems like a rather specific requirement. Also, I don't know how well adding requirements to tier 1 jobs has worked in practice for forcing change. There are requirements around the allowable amount of intermittent orange, too, aren't there? And I can't say I've noticed people jumping up to fix intermittents as a result, though the threat of de-listing has provided _some_ level of "encouragement". I guess the sheriffs would know.

You're talking C++ stacks, I assume. What about the various layers of harnesses? What about NS_ASSERTIONs (or whatever those noisy things are)? Are stacks always the most critical bit of information, or would it be better to require full output for failing tests? Or logged input for tests where that makes sense?

I'd be ok with requiring stacks, whatever exactly that means, but I'd rather have a good place to go to see the current state of all the different jobs in terms of what debugging features they provide, how to run them, and a list of bugs for everything that's missing.

(Perhaps I'm a little biased, in that I maintain a set of builds that do not have stacks currently. Then again, I just went to a bunch of work to add them, which is waiting on review, so I agree they are important and useful.)

On 07/10/2015 10:06 AM, Andrew McCreight wrote:
Are we going to have tests for this? Does working include being properly

But yes, it is extremely annoying to have failures without stacks. (See bug
1165469, which was only figured out once somebody reproduced the test
locally, because there was no stack.)

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Kyle Huey <> wrote:

Any reason not to require this?

- Kyle

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