A bit belated, since I just landed this on inbound, but...

Summary: In ES2015, there is a certain set of invariants that an object is supposed to maintain. One of those is that a non-configurable property can't just disappear. Window objects obviously can't maintain that invariant, so they can't be allowed to have non-configurable properties, at least in terms of observability from script.

Bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1107443

Standard: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-invariants-of-the-essential-internal-methods

Platforms: all

Estimated release date: Unclear so far; need to see how web-compatible this is.

Preference controlling this: no preference, but a !RELEASE_BUILD ifdef. So this will be enabled in nightly and Aurora only.

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