There are some forces at play in a web app that point to wanting to delay
layout and rendering until a web app gives a signal that it should start:

* ECMAScript modules, and even developer constructed JS module systems
today, rely on async loading of scripts.

* Custom elements need their JS registered with the browser before they are
fully useful.

* Apps can have dependencies on async IDB operations to know what UI to
first show. For instance, if the user does not have a saved account, show
the sign in view instead of the app data view.

* We want fast app startups in B2G/Gaia. Typically we lose
layout/render/paint time while we wait for these async mechanisms to
finish, and the paints are not useful for the user in the meantime.

In addition, there is a possibility that custom elements may take a path of
synchronous construction with no later upgrades, which means the JS for the
custom element needs to be registered before any custom element is used in
the DOM.

A similar case surfaced a while back in the context of B2G, and at the time
I filed bug 863499[2], which focused on a document.mozDelayLoadEvent /
document.mozStopDelayingLoadEvent JS API around controlling the load event

At that time, the concern was about losing times to wasted renders and the
effects on screen shots.

However, I believe the main concern now is getting enough JS and app data
loaded to allow layout to be effective in fewer passes than strictly about
the final render and load event. So maybe the API should be more about
delaying layout than about the load event?

In talking to Wilson Page, he mentioned something like a
document.pauseLayout() document.resumeLayout(), not sure if there are
existing thoughts around that.

If that seemed workable, maybe also a <html mozPauseLayout> type of
attribute, so the browser knows as soon as possible to pause its work,
instead of relying on a JS API.

For Gaia apps, we use a CSP policy that does not allow inline scripts, so
the attribute on a tag is more appealing for that reason. A nonced script
might be a workable alternative for the CSP case, if an attribute was too
much of a stretch.

Happy to hear about any suggestions for the general goal,

[1] Service workers help a bit here, but do not help the other aync forces.
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