On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 12:53 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 9:10 PM, James Burke <jbu...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> If the meta tag, or whatever the toggle becomes, is set, then I expect
>> if the page's JS asks for a DOM element's box properties, it will get
>> values like 0 for sizes, since I believe the goal is to avoid the
>> browser doing extra work until the page's JS got everything set up.
>> If that is the case, should there be a promise API for knowing when
>> the first layout and rendering has occurred so that the page's JS can
>> then ask for element box properties to get accurate values?
> That is an interesting point. We haven't really defined in standards
> which features force layout. We'd have to do that so we can make them
> behave conditionally as we try to provide some control over (first)
> layout.

Lots of features force layout. Accessing any layout related properties
like .offsetTop or .getComputedStyle() force a layout.

Having an API which provides a callback when layout happens would be
nice, but given how long that has been debated with little progress,
we shouldn't block on that.

A simple solution here would be to simply use MutationObservers to
detect when the last <meta> is removed. Any time that layout
properties are queried after that they could behave like they
currently do, i.e. force a synchronous layout.

If we want to we can provide syntax sugar which makes it easier to
detect when the last <meta> is removed. But we should relate that to
when the DOM mutation happens and not when screen rendering or layout

/ Jonas
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