On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:28 AM, Aryeh Gregor <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Aryeh Gregor <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:
> > A new language feature could be used to solve this: allow conversion
> > operators to behave differently based on how the variable is declared.
> > For instance, it might convert differently if the source or
> > destination is a local variable, global/static variable, member
> > variable, or function parameter.  This would allow our problem to be
> > easily solved by defining something in nsCOMPtr like:
> >
> >   operator T* [[parameter]]()&&;
> >
> > while leaving the operator deleted for non-parameters.
> Actually, you could perhaps do even better than that.  Use nsCOMPtr<T>
> for refcounted parameters instead of T*, and then delete the T*
> constructor for [[parameter]] nsCOMPtr<T>, and have the constructor
> and destructor for nsCOMPtr parameters not do addref/release.  Then
> you have the effect of bug 1194195 without having to introduce a new
> type.  nsCOMPtr(/RefPtr) would be the type to use anywhere you want to
> require a strong reference, and it would magically sort out the
> addrefs/releases for you.  (Although I know a lot of people don't like
> such magic either, so this isn't strictly superior.  But the option
> would be available.)

This seems far superior because it encourages people not to unbox
pointers which seems like a good thing all other things being equal.
(I'd actually go further, and say it's a good thing in general, but not
everyone seems to agree....)

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