On 10/16/15 12:23 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
Should we try to remove support for "Date" from our webidl implementation?

I would love to do that, yet.  Getting there might be complicated.

There's relatively few uses of it in our tree. Many are from tests,
and most of the remaining ones are from FirefoxOS certified APIs which
can be changed easily changed.

I'll believe that when I see it. I've had no luck getting people to remove Date usage from those APIs in the past.

And in a few of the remaining cases we can change from using Date to
using a number since IIRC JS automatically converts Date objects to
numbers through the valueOf feature?


Main remaining ones that stand our are HTMLInputElement.valueAsDate
and File.lastModifiedDate. Both of which we'd need to get telemetry on
before we can remove I think.

The latter, yes.

The former we can't remove because there is no replacement, even. But if that's literally the only user (and not likely to change because the editor of HTML thinks it's not a problem to violate all sorts of JS best practices, including this one) we can nix Date from IDL and just have this be "object" in IDL, with the Date object creation in HTMLInputElement.

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