On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Bobby Holley <bobbyhol...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Josh Matthews <j...@joshmatthews.net>
> wrote:
> > On 2015-10-19 1:17 AM, Bobby Holley wrote:
> >
> >> I've heard two compelling arguments against the current setup:
> >> (1) It's inconsistent.
> >> (2) It causes unnecessary overhead when you do |mach build foo bar|
> >> because
> >> we link between foo and bar.
> >>
> >
> > I don't recall reading (2) in this thread, and it certainly wasn't the
> > case when dumbmake was created.
> >
> I was referring to Benoit's point, which admittedly involved two separate
> invocations of |mach|.

Responding here to a bunch of points because I don't want to write N>1

* The existing build system is a "frankenbuild" because each Makefile is
its own DAG / world view and thus can lose dependencies. This is a reason
we need to clobber periodically.
* `mach build dom/base toolkit/library` is a "partial build"
* `mach build binaries` is a "full build" (at least for the Gecko/XUL world
view, which is what most readers of dev-platform care about).
* "Partial builds" are "frankenbuilds" by definition because you are
intentionally skipping dependencies.
* "Full builds," while ideal from build system purity perspective, are not
always suitable because if you change a highly-used .h file, you could have
to wait minutes for all dependencies to rebuild. Sometimes you just want a
quick syntax or compilation check in a small set of dependent source files,
targets, libraries, etc.
* "frankenbuilds" and "partial builds" of today require humans to absorb
build system knowledge [in order to work around limitations with "full
builds" workflows]. This is not ideal: we would prefer to only expose
high-level targets like "binaries" or build modes that take changed files
into account to only rebuild a minimal subset (if that's what the developer

Also, .h dependency proliferation is a real problem for build system
performance, especially with the autogenerated mozilla-include.h (which
contains things from every AC_DEFINE in configure.in - an add AC_DEFINE,
invalidate everything). If you build the tips of mozilla-central from 24h
intervals, you'll find that we pretty much rebuild every Gecko source file
due to headers changing. I would encourage a Council of Elrond to somehow
tackle this problem. There is preliminary work on a tool in bug 1108293 to
help identify dependencies. The last time I showed output to a Gecko
developer, there were definitely some WTF reactions.
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