The concerns that I have is that the start-up cache proved to be
useful in multiple experiments made by 3 different persons, and at
different occasions and for different purposes:
 - Bug 813324 - Compiled JS cache for Firefox
 - Bug 1101386 - Missing bytecode cache causes SpiderMonkey to be 6x
slower than JSC at 2nd (or consecutive) execution of
TypeScript-compiled code
 - Bug 1164389 - Allow certified applications to load XDR bytecode

So these numbers only highlight that using a bytecode cache is better
than not using any, but they do not compare the caching the
jschar-source against bytecode cache, and I would really appreciate to
have this kind of information before doing these changes.
Also note that in the previous tests, the bytecode cache only got used
for caching the full bytecode, while today we are capable of saving a
sparse version of the bytecode which only contains function used
during the last execution, which reduces the bytecode cache size by

So my concern is, that we are moving away from a system that we do not
use optimally yet.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Aaron Klotz <> wrote:
> On 11/23/2015 10:22 PM, Mike Hommey wrote:
>>    Can the perf team look into this? Note the startup cache only matters
>>    on the first startup for a given build, and that might be a reason why
>>    we fail to track its performance impact.
> We can get rid of it if we properly encode JS source in the omnijar. Unless
> something has changed in SpiderMonkey, the last time I looked we convert the
> JS source in the omnijar to jschars at parse time. Eliminating that
> conversion step would cancel out the benefit of the startup cache.
> I seem to remember NBP expressing concern with this plan in Whistler.
> Nicolas, do you recall what your concerns were?

Nicolas B. Pierron
dev-platform mailing list

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