On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 12:25 AM, <ryan.sle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 6:04:30 PM UTC-8, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> > Oh well. Bummer.
> >
> > / Jonas
> If it cheers you up any, the 2.0 API that replaces the U2F API uses
> promises - http://www.w3.org/Submission/2015/SUBM-fido-web-api-20151120/
> Richard, it would help if you could clarify - are you proposing that
> Firefox implement the 'old and deprecated' U2F API [1], or the 'fresh and
> new and hoping to be standards track' W3C member submission API [2].
> I originally wanted to reply with 'good news' that Chrome only shipped
> this for google.com, and only for HTTPS, and that we were committed to
> the W3C member submission as the path forward, but as I was working to back
> up a citation to this, I found out that we submarine-launched the API in
> Chrome 40 [3], for all HTTP and HTTPS origins, without an Intent to
> Implement / Intent to Ship.
> So, speaking solely on my behalf and not that of my employer, sorry that
> Chrome put Firefox in this position of "old and busted" and "new hotness",
> with "damned either way" as the result. I'm trying to find out more about
> this, as well as Chrome and Chromium's future commitments regarding this
> API.
> That said, knowing full well that the FIDO Alliance intends the W3C member
> submission to the path forward, could you provide greater clarity:
> 1) What it is you intend to implement?

My initial intent was to propose implementing [1], then implementing [2]
when it's ready.  After all, there's a lot in common, and as you say, the
W3C version will be much nicer.

> 2) If you intend to implement [1], whether or not you'll unship that
> if/as/when [2] progresses?

I think we would treat this just like we treat other early-stage things
that get shipped, gradually turning it off when the real thing shows up.

I don't remember what the current conventional wisdom about prefixing is,
but I would be open to shipping with a prefix if people thought that would
ease pain in the eventual transition.


> [1]
> https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.0-nfc-bt-amendment-20150514/fido-u2f-javascript-api.html
> [2] http://www.w3.org/Submission/2015/SUBM-fido-web-api-20151120/
> [3]
> https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/d60fcd7caafaffff7046da693fe2c3206ab5cf20%5E%21/#F9
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