Le mercredi 2 décembre 2015 23:43:00 UTC+1, Ryan Sleevi a écrit :
> On Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 1:17:46 PM UTC-8, smaug wrote:
> > I don't understand how 1) could be implemented when the spec has left the 
> > key piece undefined, as far as I see.
> > As the spec puts it "This specification does not describe how such a port 
> > is made available to RP web pages, as this is (for now) implementation and 
> > browser dependent. "
> Um, that's fairly standard for specs.
> The spec defines the interface, as well as the observable behaviours
> of that interface. How that interface is implemented is up to the UA.
> For example, Chrome "implements" the interface by allowing extensions
> to inject JS into pages, and allowing said JS to communicate back to
> the extension ( see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/messaging
> ). A future, 'native' implementation in Chrome could, rather than
> using extension, directly expose the IDL via the navigator interface,
> which then exposes a JS MessagePort that fulfills the contract.
> The text you cite is by no means proof of an 'incomplete' spec -
> rather, it's standard spec sauce, the same way that, say, WebGL
> doesn't say "You must use NVidia driver 3.0 or later, and only on
> Intel machines" - it says "This is the API of WebGL - you can
> implement it however you wish, so long as you abide by this contract"

Sorry, but I don't understand why you are denying the evidence, anyone 
at Fido alliance will confirm that even non-public FIDO 2 drafts are far
far far from finished. Regarding the glimpse that was published in W3c website, 
this is even more flagrant.

Are you following the Fido Alliance on going work? there are tons of 
things that are currently discussed without even an agenda. And I don't even 
speak about the authenticator side, there is no information/specifications at 
all for that.

Please focus on existing full specifications with existing services and 
products : FIDO U2F.
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