On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 6:17 PM, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> If you have ideas for making the blame/annotate functionality better, please
> capture them at https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/BlamePlan or let me know
> by replying to this message. Your feedback will be used to drive what
> improvements Mercurial makes.

I wonder whether it is possible to make blame run in parallel to make
it even faster? Potential method like, split the whole history into X
slices, then do blame independently on each slice, then merge the
result. (As it seems to be a computation intensive task, GIL could be
a real issue, while spawn new processes may not be worth on Windows.)

(I also wonder whether it is possible to make rebase run in parallel,
because I have a nontrivial local tree contains WIP patches (even old
ones I'm not currently working on), and I rebase all of them almost
everyday which always takes some time. However, I guess it is probably
infeasible because rebase mutates the working directory. I probably
should just shelve them, although keep rebasing them may make it
easier to track related changes.)

In addition, I think it would be good to add a command line parameter
on blame to continue previous blame on the ancestor of specified rev.
It isn't always that useful, because you can always just press up
arrow and add/change "-r". But it could be extremely useful if it
correctly handles moved files, since otherwise you would need to
manually input the original path to continue. (Hopefully the "hgweb
links to ancestor's blame" covers this case as well.)

I'm not quite sure what does "Keyboard shortcuts on hgweb" section
mean. It doesn't seem to me adding shortcuts to the blame page makes
sense. But it does make sense to make the file browsing page work like
local file managers or command line path autocompletion when pressing
letter keys. If it is what this section means, I guess it could
probably be described more clearly.

- Xidorn
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