Reply inline below.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Jared Wein <> wrote:

> From your screenshot, there are a lot of instances of "objects > Array",
> "objects > Object", etc. Is the a way to display the variable name used for
> those objects?

​The node might not be in a JS variable (eg​ is a C++ implementation detail
that is not exposed to JS) or it might be referred to by many variables in
different parts of the JS code or it might be referred to not by any
variables in the JS code, but by something in the C++ world.

So, I think the "real" (or at least more general) solution is to show the
first N shortest paths from the GC roots to the thing. This is the next
feature I will be working on for the memory tool. I wanted to do dominator
trees first because it tells you which objects to pay attention to; the
shortest paths will tell you more about how a specific object is kept
alive. It didn't make sense to do the latter before the former.

Stay tuned!

> Also, what is the plan for making tools like the Memory view appear in a
> default install? In other words, without having to go to the Settings. I
> worry that users may not know to click on the Settings and just think that
> other browsers offer more tools than we do.

​This is a good conversation to have, but I don't have any good answers. We
have a lot of panels in the devtools, many of which are fairly niche, and
it isn't clear how to simultaneously give them visibility and not overwhelm

Console, debugger, performance: these panels are ​a clear "always show" to
me. The web audio tool is very niche and so I don't think it would make
sense to show it by default. The memory tool falls in between in my mind.
I'm open to suggestions!
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