The short version: we believe that the number of outstanding bugs in a
component is the best metric we have of the overall health and quality
of that component. We will test this belief by dramatically improving
the efficiency of ingest and processing of new bugs, and would like
two to four component managers and their teams to participate in this

The longer verison: The Firefox team has committed to improving how we
manage the bugs reported in each component of
Firefox, Core, and Toolkit. As of late 2015, we're already burning
down our backlog of bugs. Now we're starting the next stage of the
work: identifying the people who can make a decision on the status and
future of a triaged bug, and automatically bringing that bug to their

I've linked a google spreadsheet, similar to :overholt's wiki page
(but easier to edit) with a tab for each product: FF, Core, Toolkit,
and each platform for Fennec,. I ask all of your to identify a
developer, or manager who will take responsibility for deciding the
status and next action required of newly-triaged bugs in each Bugzilla

That responsibility could be a rotation (as is done in Graphics and
Networking) or shared between a couple of people. Component owners can
also expect support from the community and Participation teams: Mike
Hoye is working on getting community members to volunteer their time
helping component owners determine if a bug is a duplicate, not a bug,
severe or blocking.

In order for this process to be succesful, the responsible person will
need to make a judgement call about the bug that makes the next steps
clear: assigining it to a developer and a release, acknowledging it's
a valid bug but it will not be worked on, that it's in a backlog of
bugs to be worked, pushing it back for more information or closing it
as invalid/duplicate/incomplete.

These states are not set in stone, and so we're asking for three or
four components to step up and try this so we can quickly work up a
proposal for standard decision-tree process. If successful, this will
become the standard process across all components. Once the
pilot's done, we'll bring a proposed set of dispositions and rules to
this group for comment before implementation.

But before we start on that, we need you to identify responsible
parties for components; this shouldn't take long, so after next
Wednesday, January 27th, I will start pestering you all to get the
remaining gaps filled.

Thank you for your help with this first step.

-- Emma

Note: when filling out the sheet, please use the person's name,
bugmail, or irc handle (whichever is the most approriate identifier.)
There are preliminary entries which I've copied from :overholt's wiki
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